MT4i scripts installed in MT4 - simply double-click to import account history
Chart of historic end-of-week account equity and balance
Chart of month-end unbooked profit as % of equity and balance
Grid of time-based data - start and end balances etc
Grid of time-based data - best and worst returns
Custom chart of best and worst day-end equity during each month
Custom chart of number of long/short lots opened in each quarter
General statistics - Sharpe ratio, average return per day, week, month etc
Analysis by account, showing peaks and troughs
Analysis by trade duration
Custom chart showing winner/loser percentages for each symbol and direction
Custom chart showing peak drawdown percentage for each account
Correlation of equity returns between different symbols
Monte Carlo projection of the likely spread of future returns
List of positions
List of positions, with right-click popup menu for quick filtering
Example of filtering options - dates
Example of filtering options - trade details